If your leopard gecko can’t hold the food in its mouth or finds it hard to do so, this can be a sign of a problem. LeopardGeckos.co.za "Pet Leopard Gecko Care & Information (Eublepharis macularius)"Leopard Gecko Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) Please note, we are in the process of upgrading LeopardGeckos.co.za to a new and faster site! Their limbs will appear rubbery. You may notice your leopard gecko straining to lay eggs, is acting depressed, is not eating very much, or is very restless. Sometimes I wonder how it’s possible for my leo to go+ Read More Leopard geckos are insect eating or insectivorous lizards. How do I get my leopard gecko to eat. Leopard geckos can make great pets and many people enjoying keeping them. It should have a nice plump tail and have had a recent clear parasite check. This can be a symptom of weak jaws, which develops with calcium deficiency and MBD. Although it is not always expected to eat a lot, baby Leopard geckos should at least always be interested in moving insects. In severe cases or if there is no improvement after 1 month, veterinary attention is required. She has not eaten since then. There will be also white-yellow substance – uric acid (instead of water). A leopard gecko that won’t eat and stops seemingly out of nowhere can be a stressful experience for both the keeper and the reptile. Leopard gecko is not eating – … Abscesses, eye injuries, tail and toe problems can all be pretty uncomfortable and make your gecko not want to eat. You will notice that your leopard gecko is having problems walking. If you know your gecko has an injury be prepared that it may not want to eat until it's pain is controlled and it is feeling better. If you’ve ever owned a reptile then you know of the frequent hunger strikes and out right refusal of food. We’ve been to a vet, but we’re looking for some reassurance. Make sure to dust all insect feeders with a calcium + D3 supplement (we recommend Rep-Cal) and leave out a bottle cap full of powder for the gecko to lick from. I am a first time owner of a leopard gecko. Hello gecko community, thank you in advance for your help. Leopard gecko’s feces should be creamy, but not runny, light brown to dark brown color. Based on the leopard gecko forums I’ve visited, most worries about new leopard geckos (and not so new ones) center around geckos who aren’t eating. How to Take Care of a Leopard Gecko That Won't Eat. Your leopard gecko won’t eat because it is infected with parasites; If your leopard gecko is infected with parasites, there is a big chance that it will be refusing to eat. The fear might stay or pass, depending on a leopard gecko. This was around 1/25. When reading about feeding leopard geckos, you may keep coming across the term "gutloading," but what does it mean, and why is it so important? First off don't panic -- this happens regularly.Most geckos that don't eat right away are doing so because of stress: stress due to shipping, new environment, different food/supplementation, and especially due to extra contact and activity within the enclosure or visually around the outside of it. Newly acquired Leopard geckos might also be shy when it comes to eating in front of an audience. Everyone has their “If I had a nickel every time….” scenario. if your leopard gecko recently having too cold or decreasing of their environmental, then those things can lead a respiratory infection that can make them stop eating as well. Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD). What substrate are they being kept on? Leopard geckos with mild cases MBD can usually be treated at home. Watch Queue Queue Did you just recently received a new gecko and it is not eating right away? This can be fatal! If you suspect your leopard gecko is impacted, switch to a different substrate immediately and try giving the gecko a warm bath and belly massage to loosen the impaction.