There is maybe, 320 of Darwin's Fox left and man's best friend is it's worst enemy. Darwin’s fox is found in only two places in Chile: the Nahuelbuta National Park and on … the Island of Chiloè. Creature Profile. The domesticated dogs running free in the National Park are another threat to the fox's survival. Wild red foxes live on average 3 years. This indicates that Darwin’s fox was probably an early inhabitant of central Chile, and that its present distribution on the mainland may be a … Yes, foxes are becoming an endangered species. The only fox listed at this time as endangered is Darwin's fox of Chile. What would happen if bats went extinct? Red foxes have to avoid coyotes and wolves. Yes, foxes are becoming an endangered species. Overall, however, foxes are not endangered. Credit: Wegdekstreepje/CC-BY 2.0. This species is also known by the following name(s): Lycalopex fulvipes. The red fox may be the most destructive species ever introduced to Australia. Additionally, Darwin’s foxes are susceptible to contracting canine distemper virus (CDV), which is commonly carried by Chilean dogs. Captive red foxes can live up to 12 years, but they typically don’t do well in zoo environments due to their solitary, shy nature. Some local populations of the kit fox are considered endangered. This species is also known by the following name(s): Lycalopex fulvipes. It likely was once quite widespread in this region, but it evolved to live in the temperate forests that once dominated the landscape. Only the Darwin's fox is endangered. Why Are Arctic Foxes Endangered? They are quite plentiful. Some other species or subspecies are listed as threatened. Since artic foxes are not suspicious they are easily trapped. The Darwin's Fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Chile (Los Lagos). Share. The Darwin's Fox (Pseudalopex fulvipes) is a species of concern belonging in the species group "mammals" and found in the following area(s): Chile (Los Lagos). A species is declared extinct after exhaustive surveys of all potential habitats eliminate all reasonable doubt that the last individual of a species, whether in the wild or in captivity, has died. All foxes are curious and don't fear people so that make sit easy to kill them. Read More. Thus, Darwin’s fox is the oldest species of “fox” in the Southern Cone. Darwin’s foxes from the island and mainland populations compose a monophyletic group distinct from the two other Chilean fox species. Australia's extinction rate for mammals, already the highest in the world, could worsen unless efforts are made to protect the most endangered … In certain regions of the world the fox is being hunted for furs at an alarming rate, especially the artic fox. It suffers from habitat loss, for the forests adjacent to the Nahuelbuta National Park are heavily logged. The fennec fox is the smallest living fox and doesn't get any bigger than a cat — about 9 inches (23 centimeters) and weighing 2.2 to 3.3 lbs. Coyotes and wolves often attack red wolf pups for food, and they attack adult red foxes during territorial disputes. It is considered critically endangered species that is adapted to the temperate rainforests of its Chilean homeland. The Darwin’s fox was found to be an older species than all of the Lycalopex species, except the hoary fox of Brazil. The only fox currently listed as endangered is Darwin's fox of Chile. Darwin’s fox or Darwin’s zorro lives in the Chiloé Archipelago and Nahuelbuta National Park. These carnivores feed on mammals, reptiles, beetles and other invertebrates. Named after scientist Charles Darwin, who discovered the species in 1834, Darwin’s foxes are critically endangered. For a start, it carries most of the blame for Australia’s appalling record of recent mammal extinctions. Island fox populations on all three islands were naturally small and had historically fluctuated, but as far as was known had never been as low as they were during this period and had never come close to extinction.