If the bully catches the other there can be injuries or if the other decides to fight back. While other mammals experience one breeding season per year, chipmunks have two. Want to know more about chipmunks? Rodents may be to blame. Young squirrels often chase each other as a form of play fighting, much the same as other species such as dogs or cats. Few of us are concerned when we see them eating leftover seeds spilled from bird feeders, and quite a few homeowners even will feed them on purpose. Though you may see chipmunks around each other, they are not social animals. Why do fish chase eachother? A chipmunk’s life is mostly solitary – until breeding season. A chipmunk’s life is mostly solitary – until breeding season. Like any other species they interact with each other in a variety of ways. If the chasing is not always one-sided and doesn't result in nipping or any injuries it is most likely just for fun. Facts about these adorable but destructive creatures include: Chipmunks tend to travel alone – adult chipmunks ignore each other while they’re out and about, except during the spring mating season. If you find yourself dealing with mites, ticks or fleas, they might not have come in on Rover or Fluffy. Generally aggression starts by chasing, one will relentlessly chase the other around the cage, forcing the bullied Chipmunk to stay in its nest box. Why do only boys chase girls & not other way round? Why does my dog chase his tail? Chipmunks generally fight hard, they don't warn each other like some other animals do. How can acids and bases each be distinguished from each other? Not very often, and there’s a reason. They like to keep to themselves and only interact during mating season, which is in the spring. I’ve seen chipmunks chase each other and tussle but they’re so fast that I can’t tell what they’re doing. In nonaggressive encounters, such as mating, chipmunks touch noses and sniff each others' cheeks and necks. Goldfish are social animals and often do best when housed with a companion. Social behavior and foraging ecology of the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) in the Adirondack Mountains. Individual squirrels are often seen feeding close to each other without any aggressive activity, and in winter several animals may share the same tree den. Unlike in the movies, real chipmunks don’t sing, but they do make shrill chirping sounds when sensing a threat. One - by watching it closely and two - by reading this AnimalSake post. They really don’t like each other except as babies or juveniles who just left the nest. Additional References. The final kind of chasing behavior is seen in young squirrels, who happily chase each other around in the same way that puppies and kittens "play act" fighting, Koprowski told Life's Little Mysteries. But when they do make the journey aboveground, they are ready to breed in the first year. Chipmunks touch noses and sniff each other's hindquarters during some encounters, responding to chemical signals such as those produced by secretions of the anal glands. Why dogs chase their tails? Like other animals, they chase each other and demonstrate basic mammalian postures to indicate aggression or dominance and submission.