No colorblind animal can see red light. It creates a nice dark red light that limits its visibility yet allows one to function. That's not red light. The human eye has three different types of cones (red, green and blue) but deer have only ... brighteners in them that emit UV as well as visible light. Most people wear red or orange when they go hunting so other hunters wont shoot them! While some take varmint hunting seriously, others do it as an off-season practice. Im from New Zealand and alot of people including people I hunt with use rifles such as .223. The red flashlight bulb produces a light that provides better nighttime vision but does not usually scare away game. That's what blue is used for because blood will show up very dark or black. They still drop a large animal such as a red deer or a wapiti ( Elk ). Red does not usually spook an animal, and in fact, can be a calming and attractive influence on them. Ghost Hunters Do it in the Dark. For hunters who use 12V power, or do most of their hunting with a vehicle, a mounted spotlight may be the best option. If you are going hunting, or just camping in the wilderness, learn how to use … Hunters are allowed to hunt for vermin, often small mammals, all year round. Green lenses filter out foliage and colors of haze. Red lenses keep you invisible to animals, and blue lenses help track blood. (Coyotes are also colorblind) I know for a fact that deer can't see red light as I've put my flashlight with a red filter on it directly on a deer in my backyard and it was totally oblivious to the light. ... As a result, deer likely can distinguish blue from red, but not green from red, or orange from red. I have seen the same animals just stand there, but if you use a red filter, they don't even know they're illuminated. For years, predator callers have preferred red or amber lights for calling at night.Most of the early predator hunting lights were cumbersome lights with large external batteries that required colored lens covers to filter the light to the desired color. Reason number ONE! Why are american hunters so shy of using light callibers for deer hunting? If a spirit appears and is producing light, it’s easier to see in dim lighting the same way that a flashlight is easier to see in dimmer light. The hunter is a damage dealing class that can engage in either melee or ranged combat. you just have to be a good shot. I do know this: If you shine an incandescent light (or non-red LED), without a red filter at certain animals, they will run away very quickly most of the time if they're uncomfortable with where they are. They are usually fifteen watt lights with a deep red light that is … Full Spectrum Light - Specially made for Full Spectrum video capture this Full Spectrum light has Infrared, Red, Blue, Green, and Ultravoilet LEDs for true full spectrum illumination. There has been a lot of discussion on what color light to use while predator calling at night. They CAN see blue light. That's why you don't use red lights when looking at a map, because all the red lines on the map will disappear. A handheld with a locking option, will keep the light on without the need to constantly press down on the switch, adding another level of comfortability and eliminating a “strobing” effect.