“Ferrets have very thick skin, and so what is a painful bite to us would not be felt by another ferret.” To try to redirect this behavior, every time your ferret nips your toe, tell it “No” and offer it a ferret chew toy. A ferret who prances about for playtime may also chirp or bark, but a ferret that is being aggressive will hiss, shriek, or move away from you. Try holding your ferret calmly and stroking its fur to help it feel less anxious. Types of Ferret Fighting Ferrets are predators, out in the wild they hunt smaller animals, they're not "dangerous" by a long shot it's not like they're attacking smaller animals on purpose for the fun of it, they're just following their instincts. Let’s talk about different levels of fighting, why these ferret fights arise, and what you can do about them. Do you think they are happy? If I get my 1 year old male ferret desexed will he stop being so aggressive? The mischievous twinkle in their eyes, the special way they frolic across the room, the endearing way they hide ‘treasures’ (usually our socks, keys or other important things!) How Do I Introduce A New Ferret To My Established One(s)? Ferrets are fun and lively pets, but there are many ferret diseases that can strike quickly so you need to be sure to monitor your pets health carefully. Useful links. Forum Announcements and Rules. They will want to play with you as well as other ferrets and will get lonely if neglected for too long. Ferrets can ingest dangerous things, so keep your veterinarian’s number handy and be on the lookout for the following ferret health warning signs. 19 Ferret facts that will either freak you out or make you want to get one – SheKnows This is when playful bites, scratches and ambushes become more serious and can actually cause injury. The male ferret will grab the female by the back of the neck with his mouth and drag her around for a while before mounting ... so … What is Play Aggression? Enrichment. Is my new ferret unnecessarily aggressive? Forum Suggestions. Before you close the fridge door or washing machine lid, check for your ferret — I’m not kidding. Ferret Talk Stickies . Sensory. Just like other pets, it might be difficult to tell when your ferret is sick. Training tips. Just about everything you need to know to keep your ferret happy and healthy, or to decide whether to get one. In addition to improving odor, neutering also decreases aggressive behavior, which makes your ferret a better pet all around. That is why you have to teach your ferret to be gentle when biting or not to bite at all. Breeder's board. Ferret Talk. lol My other two I raised from kits and they're sweet as can be. And don’t forget about chewing. They have flexible spines – handle them carefully. Her vet (who is a ferret specialist) said she's one of the healthiest ferrets she's ever seen, and how tiny she is is not a bad thing at all. I have a ferret that, starting just a few days ago, has suddenly been violently attacking my other 2 ferrets (all three are boys). Ferret Making Noises – What Do Ferret Sounds Mean? Ferrets can also contract the flu (influenza) via human transmission, so be careful when handling your ferret if you are not feeling well. Do ferret bites hard? Traveling with Ferrets. Ferrets are fun and lively pets, but there are many ferret diseases that can strike quickly so you need to be sure to monitor your pets health carefully. Some ferrets simply don’t get along and may fight. Male ferrets in particular have a very strong smell, which neutering lessens but doesn't eliminate. Will they ever get along, because right now our happy business is complete chaos because of Jeff. Not dooking (they dook, too), and its rather startling. If you notice that your ferret is hiding a lot, it may be feeling stressed or unwell. Just like other pets, it might be difficult to tell when your ferret is sick. Ferret Adoptions. How to stop a ferret from biting? Pawing at the ground and lunging are other signs that your ferret is ready to play with you or another ferret. How do you deal with an aggressive ferret? Why is my ferret biting me? The Holistic Ferret Forum. It's something cat parents tend to notice more when the aggression is directed toward them, usually in the form of ankle attacks, ambushes or biting and scratching that break the skin. General. Welcome to the forum. ? However, even ferret aficionados admit that unneutered male ferrets stink. Ferret biting – how to make it stop? Why does my ferret hiss like a snake? Ferrets can get sick just like any other pet and can even catch a cold or flu from you. Even ferret best-buddies can bicker over a choice treat or sleeping spot. To make your ferret happy, add fun toys and accessories to your ferret's cage so it doesn't get bored, and switch them up every few days to keep your ferret interested. Your ferret has to realize that humans (or other animals) don’t have thick skin and it needs to be gentle with them. For no reason, he will pin them down and bite their necks (right in the front) to the point that they cry out in pain. Take your ferret to a veterinarian regularly to ensure that he is up to date on his vaccinations.