The wood turtle is already listed as endangered in Iowa, but it is threatened in most of the other 17 states it calls home. Wood The following list of the reptiles of Iowa lists all of the snakes, turtles and lizards that are known to occur in the US State of Iowa. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington 41: 35-37. Home ranges of 0.4-2.4 hectares have been estimated for northern populations (Harding and Bloomer, 1979). In a suburban population of 35 wood turtles, 32 (91.4%) were adults distributed in a 1:1 sex ratio [16 A wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) population in Beaver Creek Falls Access Area (BCFAA), Black Hawk County, Iowa was studied from 2009 – 2012. Conservation genetics of a peripherally isolated population of the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) in Iowa. The bottom shell (plastron) is yellowish in color, with dark smudges on the outer edges of the scales. Wood Turtles have a brown or tan upper shell (carapace) with light yellow lines extending from the center of the growth rings to the edges. Walde et al. The yellow mud turtle spends time on land and water. As flood seasonality changes, Iowa's wood turtle population dwindles. The North American wood turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, is a semi-aquatic species that is considered rare, threatened, or endangered over much of its range.In this study, a particularly vulnerable peripheral isolate population in Iowa has been monitored over a period of 7 years. Maryland Herp. It is by far one of the more personable turtles that exist on earth. View an interactive state-by-state map showing where the petitioned species live and download a photo of the wood turtle for media use. The western Great Lakes population is disconnected from the larger northeastern population. Adults are between 5 1/2 and 8 inches in length (Conant and Collins, 1991). Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition. Threats to the ornate box turtle Intrinsic threats – natural occurrences and factors relating to the turtle itself. These turtles are omnivorous, with a large part of their diet consisting of plant material like berries and dandelions. Conservation Genetics 11:1667–1677; DOI 10.1007/s10592-010-0059-y - get paper here Stephens, P.R. Wagner, G. 1922. In this study, a particularly vulnerable peripheral isolate population in Iowa has been monitored over a period of 7 years. • Fragmentation of Iowa’s natural systems requires wildlife to travel across roads and crop fields. Adult wood turtles have few enemies and can live for … Simpson and Simpson (1977) noted that, based on verbal reports, the wood turtle was the third most observed turtle in the Frederick-and-Shenandoah county area. When considering the causes of decline in a given animal population, knowing that animal’s life history is essential. In this study, a particularly vulnerable peripheral isolate population in Iowa has been monitored over a period of 7 years. Each scale on the shell is domed, giving the turtle a bumpy or sculpted appearance. Canadian Field-Naturalist 111: 440-444. Description: 5½ - 8 inches. Artist, naturalist and writer David Carroll, who discovered our wood-turtle population and convinced us to purchase the meadow, fights a never-ending battle with officials, locals and environmental groups pushing to open all wildland for recreation. A total of 35 turtles (16 females, 16 males, 3 juveniles) were captured and 25 adults (13 females; 12 males) were tracked via radio telemetry. Estimated population size was 39 (95% confidence interval 33 – 45) turtles. Copeia 1941 (4): 265 ... Mark D. Nelson, Richard R. Buech, Mike Schrage, Dan Ryan, and Ron A. Moen 2018. Latham, R. 1971. Size and characteristics of a Wood Turtle, Clemmys insculpta, population in southern Québec. The ornate box turtle lives entirely on land. ... Iowa is turtle hell. An endangered species living near woodland streams in northeast Iowa, the wood turtle gets its name from the patterns on its intricate brown shell, which looks like the growth rings of a tree. They occur only in a few scattered populations along the Cedar River watershed in suitable habitat located near rivers and streams. Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) are a species of concern due to reported range-wide population declines.